My heart is broken.
Last week our koumbaro, friend and Godfather to Alexandra passed away. He was only 35 years old. So, for the last week I've been with my koumbara and her family.
It was early Thursday morning. I was getting the kids ready for school and the phone rang. All that I can say is that it was the phone call that we all dread.
It's been a long week.
Time seems to be standing still.
He had symptoms, but never had them checked. I suppose that's because he was only 35 he probably didn't think that they were that serious, we'll never know.
My sweet koumbara is torn and needs support so we're doing whatever we can to help her.
I haven't had the time or the appetite for blogging as I'm sure that you all understand.
I took some time to check my email Wednesday, for the first time in a week and found a nice surprise. My friend
Phivos sent me a link to one of his more recent posts. His post is titled
"Peace on Earth-Children of the World". He kindly included our children in the post and it was a sweet and welcome surprise. If you have a chance please take a moment to check out the post and his
amazing blog.
Thank you Phivos. :)