Friday, August 21, 2009

By the Sea

A few photos from this week. Enjoy!


  1. Maria~yes! It's not so bad, not bad at all. Summer in Greece is the ultimate reward for the long, damp & cool winters here. Ultimate. :)

    Liz~Thank you, I'm glad that you enjoy my photos- it inspires me to take more:)

  2. Maria... ok...maybe not they're not as long as they could be ;P

  3. Hi Cheryl! I haven't checked your blog in awhile. You look relaxed and beautiful; your kids are adorable and growing so fast! I can't believe you had another owl! I love the photo though. Sorry about your lost puppy. Maybe she will come back. We're on vacation in Door County this week. Beautiful but COLD! It's 56 degrees right now. It's hard to believe August is almost over. We went school shopping for Claire. She will be in 3rd grade already. We miss you! L, P, C, and S

  4. 2Bears...Thank you so much...I'm trying to relax as much as I can. You know my theory on housework quite well-since you have the same theory!!:) It's so much more fun to go to the beach, haha.
    I love Door County!! I love the cherry wine that I used to bring back with me...miss it!! 56 sounds a little to cold for me too, and I like it cool.
    Maybe when you're visiting next year the owl will come for a visit, unless we finally cover the chimney.
    I'm sorry I didn't call you back-I will before Friday!
    Enjoy your time in Door County, it's so beautiful. Kiss & hug everyone for me. I miss all of you immensely!


  5. Cheryl, Here I sit, back so quietly at home, but my heart is just breaking as I read the stories about the fires. I know that you will keep your little family safely close to you. My prayers are with Greece.

  6. Biddy, I'm glad that you made it home safely. I agree, the news about the fires is unsettling. Fortunately, we live up north and we haven't had any fires near us. The kids are asking about the fires and talking about what they need to do in order to prevent them. Thank you for the kind words, I do keep my family close to me. Our thoughts are with the victims of the fires...and their families.
    Take care Biddy!
