Tuesday, May 20, 2008


Fresh, fresh strawberries given to us by our generous neighbors Saturday morning. Delicious!


  1. Absolutely luscious! On your garden - what about the beans??

  2. Oh Laurie, we're planting them tomorrow. I got a few in last week but the kids all had a meltdown so we had to call the garden quits that day. But, in the meantime Kosta made an awesome irrigation system. One twist of the faucet handle and the whole garden gets watered! Very helpful. We'd never leave out the beans! :)

  3. No photos of my strawberries. I ate them already.

  4. I'm sorry that I didn't notice this earlier. Our strawberry plants aren't producing too much...and when they do, Gigi gets to them first! So, we're lucky that our neighbor has extra.
    But, that's what happened with the cherries...just a bowl and we ate them right away.
